One of our members wrote her thinking on gun-using in the states. She insists the government should take a action on gun controlling. What about you? Please take a look and share your thinking through comments :)
Control is Needed!
and Media Studies
“Bang! Bang! Bang!” “Help me!” “Don’t
shoot me, please!”
that sound familiar? If you do so, you already understand what I want to talk
about. Gun accidents! Compared to other countries, tragic gun accidents happen
a lot in the U.S. On November 1st in 2013, there was a shooting at
the Los Angeles airport. Due to this accident, one man was killed and three men
were injured. On October 22nd in 2013, there also was a gun shooting
at Sparks Middle School in Nevada. It killed one teacher and hurt two students.
However, this wasn’t the end. There are more gun shooting accidents in the U.S.
at the elementary school, university, and even the army base.
you ever wondered why these terrible accidents happen in the states? Personally, I think this situation happens because
the government allows all citizens to use guns. All citizens are not sensible.
Among them, there might be some who might lack of judgment or be able to use
guns as threatening and harmful devices to others. While many people say guns
help protect themselves from dangerous situations, this right to own guns doesn’t
always lead to good results. Guns could be possessed by criminals and mentally
unstable people. In this case, many innocent people can be killed like the
Virginia Tech Accident in 2007. Also, there are some cases where people get hurt
by guns because they make mistakes while handling guns.
cases show that the price people pay for having the right to own guns is not
cheap. In the states, there have been debates on making laws of controlling gun
possession for a long time but there hasn’t been any conclusive answer. Therefore,
to lower the number of shooting accidents in the states, I think the government’s
action will be needed. Since existing for protecting the life of people in the
nation, the government has to start forming a social consensus on necessity of
gun possession controlling as a first step. Once the consensus is formed, the
government and the parliament can easily legislate the law on controlling of
gun possession (especially gun possession of mentally unstable people or