2015년 9월 13일 일요일

Attractive Stories of Detectives in the TV show ‘The Closer’

DSKUSSS is back with an essay on TNT TV Show 'The Closer.' One of our members shares her thought on why this show is fun to watch. Take a look and let us know what you think on this show or this writing! DSKUSSS is happy to hear your opinions!

Attractive Stories of Detectives in the TV show ‘The Closer’

Yunzee Kim
Graduated from Dongseo University
Communication and Media Studies

             TNT is a famous cable channel in the states that produces interesting TV shows. One of TV shows that I loved to watch is ‘The Closer.’ It is about the story of LAPD. One female boss came to the LAPD and her team members were struggling to get adjusted. The team’s specialty was to get a murderer especially when people think the crime is a major crime hard to solve. At first, her team members dislike the female detective, the main character, Brenda Leigh Johnson. That is because she is a female and she came from other organization not LAPA. However, as the story goes, her ability to solve the crime is brilliant and the members embrace her as their true supervisor. Due to this story, people can get a glimpse of how hard it is to survive at work as a woman.

             Each episode of the show has one crime to solve and several crimes are solved through more than two episodes or seasons. Unlike other mystery or crime solving TV drama show, this is focusing on one investigating how the crime happens and why it happens by getting confession from the suspect. Brenda is really good at getting confession since she knows how to crack the suspect’s mind psychologically. When people see Brenda in the interview room getting the suspect broken down, they feel somehow pleasure. People usually love when the justice gets its place. The interesting point of the interview of Brenda is sometimes she is so eager to make justice happen that she does wrong ethically. That point gives viewers a chance to think about what is the best way of making justice.

Also, each character’s life in the show has been shown too in many episodes. Each character is attractive. Especially, the detective Provenza and Flynn are an excellent pair of making fun. Even though their clumsy investigation and behavior sometimes make trouble in solving the crime, they are lovely to watch. There are even more reasons to watch this show but I will stop this from here. If you watch it, you can find the fun of guessing how the story goes and feeling closer to the fascinating characters.