2014년 5월 13일 화요일

Ancient People Today; How They Live Throughout History

Hello, the fans of DSKUSSS! We want to share with you about the cultural factors in American continent, which includes North and South. Enjoy this reading, and lets think which reaction you are taking to understand other cultures, especially the minor's.
Ancient People Today; How They Live Throughout History


Pusan National University
Department of Global Studies
Hyunji Yoo


There was a great moment of human civilization during the ancient period, but; all of a sudden, the long ancient history disappeared. Rooted from the American continent throughout the Mayan, Incan and Aztec empires, each of these empires enjoyed their glorious periods. Unfortunately, we can only find the documents or traces of those histories through museums without knowing the whole truth about them. Not only this, but people also do not tend to think that these indigenous people are still alive in the areas of Latin America and North America today. However, their cultures have not disappeared, and actually still exist. Not only do they live in this century, but they are also arguing about their human rights within the countries they live in and continue to protest for their destroyed cultures of the past conquests.

Most indigenous people are marginalized in their communities without the governmental recognition for them. They are discriminated just because of their indigenous origins which lead to their own acknowledgement to protect their rights. For example, in Guatemala, the Mayan human rights activists Rigoberta Menchu, first started the movements against the Guatemalan government. Her involvement also led to the movements of groups of people who gathered to make a voice for the indigenous people, such as the right to vote. Going further to just criticize the current governments, they are trying to enhance their own rights against the many discriminations they face and the destruction of their cultures.

People today tend to remember the past as the past, not knowing the situation under the status quo. Even the existence of the Mayan people may sound unrealistic to some because the only way to find the traces for us is to look at the history textbooks and the museums due to the pressure of the government to avoid the existence of the indigenous people. However, the long history of struggling for the human dignity is not far from the place we live. Having the world to know the number of indigenous people, still living like slaves to the white people, will be a steppingstone to participate in this human rights movement to enhance the indigenous people’s quality of life.

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