2014년 7월 16일 수요일

No More Mathematics/English on P.E. Classes

Hi, Friends! We are bringing a new and interesting article on physical education in schools. Do you think P.E classes need to increase? Let's see one opinion that one of our members wrote! Please comment your opinions. We are welcome to discuss it with you!

No More Mathematics/English on P.E. Classes

Kyungpook National University
English Education
Ryu Hye-ran

What comes to your mind when you recall physical education classes in the high school? Maybe some of Koreans ironically bring the memories of studying for the Korean SAT in the classroom instead of exercising in the gym. What was worse, the allocated lesson hour for physical education is extremely low, about two hours a week. These show how much the importance of the physical education held low position. However, recently its significance is on the rise, being pointed as the solution for the school violence among students and their depression. Why don’t we see the case of the USA which emphasizes sports in school a lot?

One of the EBS, Educational Broadcasting System, documentaries, named <School Physical Education, Meet the Future>, dealt with the sports in school through the Niles West High School. This school has a long history of school sports. It was not difficult to see the records of winning various sports games and nice gym including manifold fitness equipments. What was the most interesting is that the school arranges the first lesson hour at 7:20 a.m. as physical education, every day for an hour. It is said that it can affect in the positive way by increasing blood flow rate through intensive exercising. In other words, it can give energy to students, leading to high attention on other classes they have. 

The teacher in the school emphasized that the change from learning skill in sports to fitness classes. In other words, the change means skill-oriented program to sports concerning healthcare. She gave an example as learning to play the baseball. It was normal that teaching how well the student hit the ball was the point of the class. However, it has been changed to elevate the heart rate by baseball, resulting in the healthiness. Also, enough exposure of oxygen to brain leads to activate the brain. Moreover, exercises play a critical role in reducing depression and anxiety disorder. These show that the American physical education classes also go towards pursuing health and emotional satisfactions, rather than learning skills in sports. Additionally you can expect that these changes in students’ emotional satisfactions can be a first step to solve school violence issue.

Now it is time for Korea not to let the increasing importance of physical education classes become a temporary issue.

*EBS 다큐멘터리 <학교체육, 미래를 말하다>참고

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